Al Harding is a diagnostic and interventional radiologist practicing in the South Bend/Elkhart Indiana area. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1984 and attended Northwestern University Medical School where he also completed his fellowship after residency training at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Al has been a friend and supporter of Andean Health and Development for many years.

Al has served as chairperson of multiple Beacon Health System related committees, as well as chair of his physician group, Radiology Incorporated. He currently chairs the Board of the South Bend Medical Foundation.

Al and his wife Mary share a passion for community involvement and are proud of having served as co-chairs of the capital campaign to build the new Saint Joseph High School in South Bend. They also relish in hosting a multitude of friends, including Dr. David Gaus, during Notre Dame football weekends. Al and Mary have four children: Al, Eleanor, Clare and John.


Summer News 2024

Since 2000, we’ve maintained a fully functional hospital in Pedro Vicente Maldonado (PVM), Ecuador. When we began, folks in the community had little access to health care and no access to hospital care. There were no government hospitals or private, for-profit hospitals. Basic equipment like X-rays or nebulizer machines, like many of you have used for

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